The Ritzy Kids Academy
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Catching the Attention of Promoters

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This video will show you the simple but effective way to getting your band on the RIGHT gig in your local area. A process of locating a place to play, sourcing a contact for the show and writing a catchy e-mail that will grab the attention of a promoter.

Writing Emails to Subscribers

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Email is one of the most powerful tools when connecting with your audience... but you'll want that campaign to look a million bucks. In this video you will be shown how to create a striking email template that can be used to update your fans on the latest news as well as encouraging them to purchase from your online store.

Capturing Subscribers

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This video will show you how to create a capture form to get more subscribers on your website using a discount offer. The fans will then be placed into your subscriber list for future campaigns.

Why Email? Does it really work?

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You're probably thinking email is dead? WRONG. It's very much still alive and one of the best ways to connect with your audience. Many believe that Instagram or Facebook is the winner when it comes to reach, but that's simply not true. Organic Instagram and Facebook posts reach between 2% and 10% of your audience/followers. Email Marketing has survived it all and still in 2022, is the best way to get a message to fans, build relationships, sell merch and show off video/audio content.

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